About The Index

The Digital Miscellanies Index maps out a vast and underexplored province of English literary culture.  It enables users to see what happened to an immense variety of poems and poets in the eighteenth-century literary marketplace, by providing a searchable record of the contents of over 1500 poetic miscellanies published between 1700 and 1780.

For a more detailed account of the parameters of the Index, see the introduction on our website.

The Index was created in Oxford between 2010 and 2013 with funding from the Leverhulme Trust.  The project was led by Professor Abigail Williams and carried out by a team of researchers headed by Dr Jennifer Batt.  Click back to the earlier posts on this blog to read about some of the discoveries, activities and insights from this first phase of the DMI's life; contributors include Dr John McTague, Dr Claudine van Hensbergen, Dr Laurence Williams and Kathleen Lawton Trask.